To do Activities Fishing

Fishing at lake Mien

Mien is the almost circular lake that probably have been formed by a meteorite impact for about 100 million years ago. The lake that is very beautiful, with its crystal clear water and the surrounding forest, offers great fishing opportunities. When fishing in Mien, boat is best suited. For information about boat rental, look further down.

© Tingsryds kommun
To do Activities Fishing

Fishing at lake Mien

Mien is the almost circular lake that probably have been formed by a meteorite impact for about 100 million years ago. The lake that is very beautiful, with its crystal clear water and the surrounding forest, offers great fishing opportunities. When fishing in Mien, boat is best suited. For information about boat rental, look further down.

Fishing licence
- Bengtssons Järn-handel, Ryd (has temporarily limited opening hours, call 0459-800 11)
- Småland Sportfiske, Tingsryd (also sell deep maps)
- Lindgrens Bygg & Järn, Urshult
- (click on the link below)
- Sven-Olof Karlborg 0459-851 00
Prices for fishing licenses: 100 SEK/day, 300 SEK/week, 800 SEK/year

Fish species
Pike, perch, brown trout.
Large pike and perch

Fishing methods and tackle
Hand-held, jig and trolling.

Boat rental
Sven-Olof Karlborg 0459-851 00
Price for renting a boat: 200 SEK/day. Price for electric motor including battery: 200 SEK/day

Other information
- Please read the rules for fishing in Mien, that are determined by the association of Miens conservations area 'Miens FVO' (click on the link below)
- Miens FVO recommend a guided fishing tour together with Småland Sportfiske AB. For booking, call 0477-71 55 44.
- The availability to launch your boat in the area is very difficult.


  • Children/ Family

Contact information