
Here is shopping for everyone. If you want to walk along shopping streets or go to a cozy farm shop, everything is here

Staplade koppar på loppis

Antiques and design

Tjej med stickad tröja


Ingång till Gårdsbutik


Apple juice, sausages and other meat, honey, smoked fish and more... The list can be much longer than that, click here to shop locally produced food and things!

Kaktusar i krukor på bord vid fönster

Everything for your home

Frisör klipper hår

Beauty and health

Papperskasse med matvaror

Food and groceries

Hand med tankmunstycke tankar bil

Cars and fuel

Below you will find all shopping

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<% formatOccasionDate(occasions.start) %> - <% formatOccasionDate(occasions.end) %>
<% categoryById(item).text %>
<% geoById(item).text %>