To do Activities Fishing

Fishing in Ryds Östra Fiskevatten

The area includes a large number of lakes in the region around Ryd, many of them located around Rimshult. Some of the best-known lakes in the area are Hössjön, Väjlen/Drevsjön, Stensjön, Nedre Långasjön and Norra Svansjön. It is the same fishing licence as for Hönshyltefjorden. Please click the link below to see an overview of the whole area.

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To do Activities Fishing

Fishing in Ryds Östra Fiskevatten

The area includes a large number of lakes in the region around Ryd, many of them located around Rimshult. Some of the best-known lakes in the area are Hössjön, Väjlen/Drevsjön, Stensjön, Nedre Långasjön and Norra Svansjön. It is the same fishing licence as for Hönshyltefjorden. Please click the link below to see an overview of the whole area.

Fishing licence
- Bengtssons Järnhandel, Ryd (has temporarily limited opening hours, call 0459-800 11)
- ICA Nära, Ryd
- Norraryds Camping
- (click on the link below)

Fish species
Perch, pike, silver bream, zander, common bream, burbot, common rudd and tench.

Fishing methods
Hand-held, ice/jig fishing


  • Natur & Äventyr

Day: 50 SEK
Week: 200 SEK
Month: 300 SEK
Year: 400 SEK

Contact information