To do Eat & Drink Restaurants

Korrö Cafe and Restaurant

Restaurant and cafe in idyllic location at Korrö crafts village with dishes inspired by the cuisine of Småland.

To do Eat & Drink Restaurants

Korrö Cafe and Restaurant

Restaurant and cafe in idyllic location at Korrö crafts village with dishes inspired by the cuisine of Småland.

Out on the island at the old craft village is Korrö Restaurant and Café. Here you can be served dishes as Pike-perch fillet, Boar Isterband and Elk entrecôte or just have a coffee at the terrace along the riverbanks. The food is large extent organic and local.


  • Children/ Family
  • Natur & Äventyr
  • Det goda livet
  • Möten & Konferens

Contact information