To do Activities Fishing

Fishing at Kinnen, Kalven & Lillesjön

This area is located in the eastern parts of the municipality and includes, in addition to Kinnen, Kalven and Lillesjön, a number of smaller lakes.

Kinnen and more lakes - area 4
Kinnen, Kalven, Rålången, Lillesjön, Björkagölen, Svartsjön, Mullhövden and Lillån to Ronnebyån.

© Tingsryds kommun
To do Activities Fishing

Fishing at Kinnen, Kalven & Lillesjön

This area is located in the eastern parts of the municipality and includes, in addition to Kinnen, Kalven and Lillesjön, a number of smaller lakes.

Kinnen and more lakes - area 4
Kinnen, Kalven, Rålången, Lillesjön, Björkagölen, Svartsjön, Mullhövden and Lillån to Ronnebyån.

Fishing licences
- Handlarn Rävemåla
- Rävemåla bilservice
- Yxnanäs bilverkstad
- (följ länken nedan)
- Nils Sjökvist, Åskefälla, 0477-620 38 (även båtuthyrning)

Fish species
Roach, perch, pike, tench and common bream.

Fishing methods and tackle
Hand-held, jig fishing, bait

Boat rental
Kinnen: Nils Sjökvist, Åskefälla 0477-620 38 (also sell fishing licence)


  • Natur & Äventyr

Day(person): 100 SEK
Week(person): 250 SEK
Week(Family): 350 SEK
2Weeks(Famiy): 400 SEK
Year(person): 800 SEK

Contact information